Unlock Success: Advanced Fishing Rods Techniques – 7 Powerful Tips Beyond Basics

Child angler casting

Fishing is more than just a casual activity; it requires skill and strategy. To succeed in this pursuit, it is crucial to have a deep understanding of fishing rods and to master advanced techniques. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or a beginner, knowing the specific characteristics of each rod type and the appropriate techniques for each is absolutely essential. With options ranging from baitcasting to spinning rods, each rod offers distinct advantages in various fishing scenarios.

In this article, we will explore a range of fishing techniques that will greatly enhance your fishing success. However, before diving into the techniques, let’s first delve into the importance of selecting the right fishing rod.

The Importance of Choosing The Right Fishing Rod

fishing rod for angler

If you are a new angler, you might get bewildered in choosing the right rods. They come in different rod lengths, models, and styles which are specifically designed to target species. Choosing the right fishing rods will help you be successful in your fishing journey. A good rod will be able to place your lure at the exact destination you choose.

Your rod will be your main tool so it should allow you to detect what’s going on with the lure. This alone is an essential factor to look at to increase your success rate.

How Proper Rod Technique Improve Fishing Success

Proper rod techniques enhance fishing success. This improves accuracy, lure presentation, and overall control over the fishing process. Proper knowledge about different fishing techniques increases the chances of enticing bites.

Fishing rods techniques also enable lure manipulation, mimicking natural movement which attracts target fishes. Additionally, proper rod control ensures quicker response to strikes, reducing missed opportunities.

Moreover, a rod technique that is well-executed prevents line break-offs.

Common Types of Fishing Techniques

Bottom Technique

The bottom technique is known to catch groupers, halibuts, snappers, and others. This technique involves throwing the bait down in the water and waiting for the bite. Lead-weights are used to keep the bait down in the sea bed, avoiding it to be carried away by the sea current. You are allowed to use a heavier weight if the current is strong.

Casting Technique

This angling technique involves throwing artificial lures aiming to attract predatory fish. Spinning reels or bait-casting reels are best partnered with this technique.


This technique involves throwing the bait down the seabed then pulling it up and down creating a motion similar to bait fishes. There are different types of the jigging technique, ranging from fast to long jerking.

The best time to use the jigging technique is when the tide is not too high, as the fishes tend to be more active at the bottom.


The popping technique involves repeatedly throwing and retrieving top water lure to attract the fish. This technique is effective in attracting large fishes.


Trolling is a method where the bait or lure is pulled through by a moving boat. This technique allows you to throw single or multiple lines to increase the chance of catching more fish. It can be used to target various pelagic fishes such as Spanish mackerel, sailfish, marlin, swordfish, and mahi-mahi.


This technique allows you to throw an artificial bait (fly, feather, hair, plastic) with the rod and the reel. The technique is very unique, compared to other techniques that uses lures or baits, this uses fly bait.

Surf Casting

The surf casting uses a long rod to throw the bait or cast. This technique requires accuracy to get your bait into the target area.

Hand Lining

The hand-lining technique uses a lead ballast and hooks attached to the bait and throws it down, attracting the fish to grab it.

Long Lining

The longlining technique uses long lines and hooks to target tuna, mackerel, and others. It is mainly used for commercial purposes, in open waters with a 100 meters depth.


Slabbing is a technique that involves pulling the bait over and over to attract the target.


Matching the Fishing Technique with Different Types of Fishing Rods

Spin Fishing Rods

Spin Fishing Rods

Spinning rod is easy to use and comes in a variety of sizes suitable for any fishing situation. Due to the versatility of this rod, this is well suited for fishing techniques such as casting, trolling, and jigging.

Casting Fishing Rods

Casting Fishing Rod

Like spinning rods, casting rods are easy to use. Thus beginners lean on this type of rod as it is very straightforward. This features a push-catch system that allows you to press the button down to release the line out. Since casting rods are powerful and sensitive, this makes them perfect to use for flipping, pitching, and jigging.

Fly Fishing Rods

Fly Fishing Rod

This rod comes in different lengths and sizes targeting different fish species. Compared to traditional rods, the length of this rod can go up to 14 feet long. The line used is also different. It is thicker and the weight matches the casting.

Telescopic Fishing Rods

This portable rod is designed to be lightweight and easy to carry. The length can be adjusted based on your needs. It has a minimum length which can be compared to a pen for easy backpack storage. This type of rod is available to use for spinning, baitcasting, and fly fishing.

Ultra-light Fishing Rods

As the name portrays, this type of rod is lightweight and is designed to catch smaller fishes.

Surf Fishing Rods

Surf rods are ideal to use at the beach, pier, or other along the shore areas. This allows you to drop a heavy bait to distant targeted areas. These type of rods are used for long-distance casting under breaking weaves.

Trolling Fishing Rods

Trolling rods are made to use for moving boats. These rods are stiffer with large reels allowing the attachment of single or multiple lines. Trolling rods are used only for flatline trolling. This technique is only effective when the target fish is near the surface.

Ice Fishing Rods

Ice fishing rods are shorter than normal. Although they are short, they feature great power allowing you to fight large fishes under ice. Jigging is the only technique that can be used for ice fishing.

 Best Technique Used for Freshwater Fishing

Live or Natural Bait Fishing

The natural technique is best used for kids who wants to learn fishing. This technique is easy and straightforward, which involves the use of worms, crickets, and leeches as baits.

Finesse Fishing

Finesse fishing works well with clear water or in a waterway with a lot of pressure. This type of technique is used to catch different species such as largemouth or smallmouth bass.

Power Fishing

The power fishing technique involves covering large areas of water. By using heavy rods and large artificial lures, it quickly produces reaction strikes from predatory fishes.

Fly Fishing

A lightweight artificial fly is used to cast when fly fishing. If you are using this technique in freshwater, you are likely to catch trout and salmon.

Best Technique Used for Saltwater Fishing

Spear Fishing

This technique has been around for decades, performed either on-land or underwater. If you opt for spearfishing, you will be required to dive below the sea surface to search for your target. Once you find your desired catch, you can attempt to impale the fish by throwing a spear manually or by spear gun.


As the name suggests, this technique does not require any equipment rather than your hand. This is one of the simple and easy techniques when fishing. All you have to do is to wait for the tide to go out then collect the fish left under rocks or sand.

Surf Fishing

This fishing technique allows you to catch different species without leaving the shoreline. It involves casting the line with an overhead cast, while standing on the shoreline. The rods are typically longer measuring around 12-16 feet long.

Cast Net Fishing

The cast-net fishing method is used to catch large quantities of small and medium sized fishes. This technique involves throwing a cast net over the water which covers a large area of water. It is a great technique to use in deep and shallow waters.

Bottom Fishing

This method is used to catch fishes that dwell at the bottom surface of the water. To do this, you need to drop your lure letting it descend to the bottom of the desired area. With that, your line needs extra weight to transport the bait down the bottom. Adding an extra weight to your line keeps it in place, avoiding being carried away by the sea current.


The trolling technique allows you to cast single or multiple lines attached from a moving boat. This creates the appearance of natural swimming prey that drifts behind the boat. A general rule when trolling is the speed of the boat needs to be fast enough to create bubbles giving the lure a realistic look.


Mastering advanced techniques with rods is absolutely crucial for anglers who want to take their fishing experience to the next level. Whether you’re chasing after those elusive trophies or just looking to relax and enjoy some peaceful moments by the water, these techniques will surely do the trick. Once you’ve got these skills down, you’ll feel a whole new level of satisfaction in your angling adventures.

And hey, it’s not just about the fancy gear we use; it’s about really getting to know the water, understanding those fishy behaviors, and perfecting our own angling artistry. 

We would greatly appreciate your feedback and thoughts! Please don’t hesitate to drop us a message in the comment section below. We are eager to hear from you and value your input.


  1. What are the best fishing rods techniques for deep sea fishing?

When it comes to fishing in deep sea waters, one of the most effective techniques is trolling. This method involves using artificial baits to entice the fish to bite. If your goal is to catch pelagic species, another successful approach is bottom fishing, where large jigs are used as bait.

  1. What are the best fishing tips for catching trout in streams?

When targeting trout, it’s crucial to employ a technique of working upstream against the sea current. Trout instinctively position themselves facing the current as they wait for their food to come to them. By approaching from behind, you significantly increase your chances of successfully catching them.

  1. What are the most popular fishing rod techniques for freshwater fishing?

Some popular techniques for freshwater fishing include dock fishing, noodling, boat fishing, and fly fishing. These techniques are widely used by anglers to catch fish in various freshwater environments.

  • Dock fishing is a great way to practice, especially for beginners. It doesn’t get a strike as much as other techniques but it’ll give you a feel for the waters when practicing.
  • Noodling is used to catch river fishes. This is a basic technique that you could try if the fish ignores the baited hooks. This technique involves using your hand and fingers to wiggle and tempting the fish to grab into. Catfish is a popular fish that can be caught by noodling.
  • Fly fishing is a great way to target trout in freshwaters. It is designed to imitate natural insects.
  1. What are the most effective fishing rod techniques for bass fishing?

There are many ways to catch a bass, but here are some of the famous techniques:

  • Use of spinnerbaits around wood cover
  • Use frog baits
  • Dropping shot worms
  • Tie knots properly
  1. What are the most popular casting rod techniques for drop shot fishing?

Some of the popular casting rod techniques for drop shot fishing are:

  • Using a casting setup
  • Use a drop shot rig
  • Go for a thin and low-visible line
  • Use plastic or live baits
  • Pitching and skipping as the casting procedure
  • Shake and lift for retrieval

Keep in mind that to be successful in drop shot fishing, adjustment with the weight, leader length, and bait presentation may be changed due to specific conditions.

Additional Resources:

  1. Guides on how to fish: https://www.ontario.ca/page/learn-fish-guide
  2. Angling tips from beginner to advanced: https://www.bigfishtackle.com/fishing-tips-for-beginners-immediate-and-advanced/
  3. Advanced bass fishing techniques: https://takemefishing.org/blog/august-2022/4-advanced-bass-fishing-techniques-to-try/
  4. Fresh,salt, fly fishing techniques: https://www.britannica.com/topic/fishing-recreation
  5. Advanced fishing rods: https://vesteria.fandom.com/wiki/Advanced_Fishing_Rod#:~:text=The%20Advanced%20Fishing%20Rod%20is,Gorgog%20Fish%20in%20Gorgog%20Pond.
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