Secrets to Walleye Fishing: Live Bait vs Artificial Lures

When it comes to walleye fishing, anglers have a choice between using live bait or artificial lures. Each option has its own advantages and benefits, depending on the fishing conditions and the angler’s personal preferences. Understanding when to use live bait versus artificial lures can make a significant difference in your success on the water.

Using live bait for walleye fishing has long been a popular choice among anglers. Live bait, such as minnows or nightcrawlers, has a natural appeal to walleye, as they are accustomed to feeding on smaller fish. The realistic movement and scent of live bait can entice walleye into biting, increasing your chances of a successful catch. Additionally, live bait provides a more authentic fishing experience, allowing anglers to feel the thrill of seeing the baitfish being chased and caught by walleye.

On the other hand, artificial lures offer their own set of advantages for walleye fishing. These lures come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, allowing anglers to experiment and find the perfect lure for any fishing situation. Artificial lures can mimic the movement and appearance of baitfish, effectively attracting walleye. They also offer the convenience of not requiring live bait, eliminating the need to constantly replenish your bait supply.

So, when should you use live bait versus artificial lures for walleye fishing? The answer depends on several factors. If walleye are feeding aggressively or you are fishing in nutrient-rich waters, live bait may be the preferred option, as it can entice those hungry walleye to strike. On the other hand, if you are fishing in clear water or during times when walleye are less active, artificial lures can be a better choice, as they can trigger a reaction bite.

Understanding the preferences of walleye and experimenting with different bait options is key to successful walleye fishing. Whether you choose live bait or artificial lures, the most important thing is to enjoy your time on the water and be prepared for the unexpected.

live bait vs artificial lures for walleye fishing - a live bait

Key Takeaways:

  • Live bait, such as minnows or nightcrawlers, has a natural appeal to walleye and can increase your chances of a successful catch.
  • Artificial lures offer a wide variety of options and can mimic the movement and appearance of baitfish, attracting walleye in different fishing conditions.
  • The choice between live bait and artificial lures depends on factors such as walleye behavior, fishing conditions, and personal preference.
  • Aggressive feeding or nutrient-rich waters may favor the use of live bait, while clear water or less active walleye may require the use of artificial lures.
  • The key to successful walleye fishing is understanding the preferences of walleye and experimenting with different bait options.

Understanding Walleye Fishing Techniques

When it comes to walleye fishing, understanding the various techniques can greatly enhance your chances of a successful angling experience. Whether you prefer using live bait or artificial lures, knowing when to switch between the two is key.

Walleye are known to have changing feeding patterns and behaviors depending on factors such as weather conditions, water temperature, and time of day. This knowledge can help you determine the most effective fishing technique for a given situation.

Walleye are known to be highly responsive to bait fish, making live bait an excellent choice. Anglers often use minnows, leeches, or nightcrawlers, rigged with appropriate hooks and sinkers, to entice these predatory fish. This technique is particularly effective during low-light periods, such as dawn and dusk, when walleye are most active.

On the other hand, artificial lures can also be highly effective when targeting walleye. Crankbaits, jigs, and soft plastics mimic the movements of bait fish, luring walleye to strike. This technique can be particularly successful during daytime hours, as the bright colors and lifelike actions of artificial lures attract walleye from a distance.

Key Tips for Walleye Fishing

  • Observe the behavior of walleye and adapt your fishing technique accordingly. Pay attention to their feeding patterns and adjust your bait presentation and retrieval speed.
  • Experiment with different types of bait fish and lures to find what works best in your fishing location. Walleye preferences can vary depending on the region and time of year.
  • Consider using a combination of live bait and artificial lures to increase your chances of success. This can help you cover a wider range of fishing conditions and entice more walleye to bite.
  • When using live bait, ensure it is lively and properly rigged to maximize its effectiveness. Use appropriate hooks and weights to achieve the desired presentation.
  • When using artificial lures, vary your retrieve speed and depth to imitate the natural movements of bait fish. This can make your lure more enticing to hungry walleye.

By understanding walleye fishing techniques and knowing when to switch between live bait and artificial lures, you can become a skilled walleye angler. Remember to always follow local fishing regulations and practice catch-and-release to preserve the walleye population for future generations of anglers.

The Benefits of Live Bait for Walleye Fishing

When it comes to walleye fishing, choosing the right bait can make all the difference. While artificial lures have their advantages, many anglers swear by the effectiveness of live bait. Here, we explore the benefits of using live bait for walleye fishing, providing valuable insights into why this traditional fishing technique continues to yield impressive results.

1. Realistic Appeal

One of the major advantages of using live bait for walleye fishing is its realistic appeal. Live bait, such as minnows or leeches, mimics the natural prey of walleye, making it irresistible to these predatory fish. The lifelike movement and scent of live bait can trigger the feeding instincts of walleye, increasing your chances of a successful catch.

On the other hand, anglers also have success using artificial lures for walleye fishing. Artificial lures offer versatility and convenience, allowing anglers to cover more water and experiment with different presentations. Additionally, artificial lures can be more durable and reusable compared to live bait, making them a cost-effective option in the long run. Ice fishing presents a unique opportunity for anglers to target walleye using live bait or artificial lures beneath the frozen surface of lakes and rivers. Whether drilling holes and dropping live bait rigs or jigging with artificial baits, ice fishing for walleye requires specialized gear and techniques to entice bites in cold conditions.

Live bait vs Artificial lures - a collection of live baits for walleye fishing

2. Versatility and Adaptability

Live bait offers anglers the versatility and adaptability to adjust their fishing technique based on the prevailing conditions. You can experiment with different types of live bait to determine which one walleyes are most attracted to on a given day. Whether you’re fishing in clear or murky water or targeting walleye at different depths, live bait allows you to adapt your strategy to maximize your chances of success. Fishing tips can also enhance your understanding of walleye behavior, helping you locate prime fishing spots and optimize your bait presentation.

Catching fish becomes more rewarding when you incorporate techniques like bait fishing into your angling repertoire. Soft bait, such as plastic worms or grubs, can be a reliable option for enticing walleye bites in various fishing conditions. As a dedicated walleye angler, mastering the art of using lures like the husky jerk can add excitement to your fishing adventures. Best live bait for walleye often includes minnows or leeches, which can be highly effective when presented properly. Cooking fish you catch adds another dimension to your angling experience, allowing you to savor the fruits of your labor while sharing stories of your fishing escapades with friends and family.

Moreover, exploring the art of fly fishing opens up new possibilities for connecting with nature and honing your angling skills. Whether you’re a novice or seasoned angler, incorporating fishing lure techniques into your repertoire can increase your chances of landing that prized largemouth bass. In essence, combining the versatility of live bait with the excitement of fishing lures and the finesse of fly fishing creates a well-rounded approach to walleye angling that can lead to unforgettable experiences on the water.

3. Effective in Various Fishing Situations

Live bait can be particularly effective in certain fishing situations. For example, when walleye are sluggish or less active, the natural movement and scent of live bait can entice them into biting. Additionally, using live bait allows you to fish more slowly and delicately, which can be advantageous when walleye are in a finicky feeding mood.

When choosing live bait for walleye fishing, consider the size and species of bait that best match the walleye in your fishing location. Be sure to check local fishing regulations to ensure compliance with any bait restrictions.

In the next section, we will explore the advantages of artificial lures for walleye fishing, allowing you to weigh the pros and cons of each bait option and make an informed choice for your next walleye fishing adventure.

The Advantages of Artificial Lures for Walleye Fishing

When it comes to walleye fishing, the debate between live bait and artificial lures is a common topic of discussion. While live bait has its merits, artificial lures offer several advantages that make them a popular choice among anglers. Here, we explore the benefits of using artificial lures for walleye fishing and provide tips for maximizing their effectiveness.

A Wide Variety of Options

One of the biggest advantages of artificial lures is the vast array of options available. From crankbaits to jigs to soft plastics, there is a lure to suit every fishing style and condition. Anglers can choose from different sizes, colors, and shapes, allowing them to mimic the natural prey of walleye effectively.

Consistent Performance

Unlike live bait, artificial lures offer consistent performance throughout the fishing trip. With live bait, its effectiveness can diminish as it loses its freshness or gets damaged. Artificial lures, on the other hand, maintain their appeal to walleye throughout the fishing session. This consistency can result in more successful catches and a higher likelihood of attracting walleye. Larger fish, such as trophy-size walleye, are often attracted to artificial lures like blade bait or jigs, which can mimic the movements of injured baitfish with precision.

Furthermore, freshwater fish enthusiasts often find success using techniques like jigging or trolling with artificial lures to target specific fish species like trout or walleye. Fishing gear designed for artificial lure fishing, such as specialized rods and reels, can enhance your ability to effectively present lures and control the retrieval speed. Additionally, fishing technique plays a crucial role in maximizing the effectiveness of artificial lures, whether you’re casting into shallow water or trolling along drop-offs. Big fish are more likely to be enticed by well-presented artificial lures that closely resemble their natural bait, such as minnows or leeches, adding an element of excitement to your angling adventures.

Live bait vs Artificial lures for walleye fishing - an artificial lure in hands

Long-Lasting Durability

Fishing gear can take quite a beating, especially when targeting walleye, known for their aggressive strikes. Artificial lures are designed to withstand the wear and tear of fishing, ensuring their longevity. Unlike live bait, which may need frequent replacement, a well-made artificial lure can last for multiple fishing trips, making it a cost-effective choice in the long run.

Precision Fishing Technique

Artificial lures allow anglers to fine-tune their fishing technique to target specific areas or depths where walleye are likely to be found. With lures, anglers can experiment with different retrieval speeds, depths, and movements to entice even the most hesitant walleye. This precision fishing technique can significantly increase the chances of success when pursuing these elusive fish.

  • Try using artificial lures in the 3-10 feet depth range, as walleye often patrol these areas, especially during specific seasons or weather conditions.
  • Consider using artificial lures that imitate the movements of small baitfish, as walleye are known to be voracious predators.
  • Experiment with different types of artificial lures, such as crankbait and jigs, to find which ones are most effective in your fishing spot.

In conclusion, while live bait certainly has its place in walleye fishing, artificial lures offer distinct advantages that make them a valuable tool in an angler’s arsenal. The wide variety of options, consistent performance, durability, and precision fishing technique make artificial lures a popular choice among walleye anglers. By understanding the benefits of artificial lures and using them effectively, anglers can increase their chances of success and have an exciting fishing experience.

live bait vs. artificial lures for walleye fishing - some artificial lures on a blue base

Choosing the Right Bait for Walleye Fishing

When it comes to walleye fishing, selecting the right bait can greatly impact your success on the water. Whether you opt for live bait or artificial lures, understanding the preferences of these elusive fish species is key. Consider the following factors before making your bait choice:

Target fish species

First and foremost, identify your target fish species. Understanding walleye’s feeding habits and preferences will help you determine whether live bait or artificial lures are more effective. Walleye are known to be predatory, often feeding on smaller fish. Keep this in mind when choosing your bait.

Water conditions

Take into account the current water conditions. Factors such as water clarity, temperature, and depth can all influence the effectiveness of your bait. In clear water, walleye may be more wary, making artificial lures a good choice. Conversely, in stained or murky water, live bait can provide a more enticing and natural presentation.

Personal preferences

Consider your own preferences and experience as an angler. Some fishermen may have a personal preference for live bait due to its authentic scent and movement in the water. Others may prefer the ease and versatility of artificial lures. Ultimately, choosing a bait option that aligns with your fishing style and confidence can lead to more successful outings.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to bait selection for walleye fishing. Experimentation and adapting your approach based on the conditions and fish behavior are crucial. Whether you decide to go with live bait or artificial lures, always prioritize the needs and preferences of these elusive, sought-after fish.


After exploring the different aspects of live bait versus artificial lures for walleye fishing, it is clear that both options have their advantages.

Live bait, such as small fish or smaller fish, is highly effective in attracting walleye due to its natural scent and movement. It can be particularly useful in murky or cold water conditions when walleye rely heavily on their sense of smell to locate prey. Using live bait also allows for a more hands-on and traditional fishing experience.

On the other hand, artificial lures like crankbaits and an octopus hook provide anglers with versatility and control. These lures come in a variety of colors and designs, mimicking the appearance and movement of walleye’s preferred prey. They are especially useful in clear water or areas with high fishing pressure, where walleye may be more cautious about approaching live bait. Additionally, artificial lures are durable and can be reused, making them a cost-effective choice in the long run.

In the end, the best approach to walleye fishing is a combination of knowledge, experience, and adaptability. Understanding when to use live bait versus artificial lures depends on factors such as fishing reports, water conditions, and personal preferences. It is important to stay informed about freshwater fishing trends, experiment with different techniques, and always be open to learning from others.

Whether you choose to rely on live bait or explore the world of artificial lures, the key is to enjoy the adventure and the thrill of hooking that prized walleye. So grab your gear, head out to the water, and discover the best walleye lures that work for you!


When should I use live bait versus artificial lures for walleye fishing?

The choice between live bait and artificial lures for walleye fishing hinges on several factors, including fishing conditions, walleye behavior, and personal preference. Live bait is often favored in colder water and during the early and late parts of the day when walleye are more sluggish. On the other hand, artificial lures can prove effective in warmer water and when walleye are more active. Experimenting with different fishing bait options allows anglers to adapt to changing conditions and maximize their chances of success on the water.

What are the advantages of using live bait for walleye fishing?

Live bait can be highly effective for attracting walleye due to its natural movement and scent. It can also be versatile, with options including minnows, leeches, and nightcrawlers. Live bait allows for a slower presentation, which can increase your chances of enticing a bite from a walleye that may be less actively feeding. On the other hand, artificial bait can offer advantages such as durability and consistency in presentation, making it a reliable choice for anglers seeking convenience and efficiency on the water. Whether you opt for live bait or artificial bait ultimately depends on your fishing goals, preferences, and the specific conditions you encounter while targeting walleye.

What are the benefits of using artificial lures for walleye fishing?

Artificial lures offer several advantages for walleye fishing. They can be more durable and reusable compared to live bait, making them cost-effective in the long run. Lures come in a variety of colors, sizes, and styles, allowing you to mimic different types of baitfish and adapt to changing conditions. They can also be effective for targeting specific depths and structures. Fishing tips for using artificial lures include varying your retrieval speed and experimenting with different types of lures to find what works best in different situations. Catching fish with artificial lures requires understanding walleye behavior and knowing when and where to present your lure for the best results.

Soft baits, such as plastic worms or grubs, are popular choices among walleye anglers who prefer artificial lures. Bait fishing with artificial lures like jigs or spinnerbaits can be particularly effective in enticing strikes from walleye in various fishing conditions. For those who prefer the versatility of natural bait, incorporating live bait techniques like rigging a minnow or leech can enhance your chances of success as a walleye angler. The husky jerk is another favorite among anglers for its ability to mimic injured baitfish and trigger aggressive strikes from walleye. When it comes to choosing the best live bait for walleye, options like minnows or nightcrawlers are often favored for their ability to attract larger fish like largemouth bass.

Additionally, cooking fish you catch can be a rewarding experience, whether you’re frying up a freshly caught walleye or grilling a delicious largemouth bass. Fishing lures, such as crankbaits or spoons, are essential tools for anglers who enjoy the thrill of fly fishing for walleye in rivers or streams. Fly fishing requires skill and precision in presenting your lure to effectively entice strikes from wary walleye. In conclusion, whether you prefer artificial lures or natural bait, mastering various fishing techniques and understanding walleye behavior is key to becoming a successful angler.

How do I choose the right bait for walleye fishing?

When choosing between live bait and artificial lures, consider factors such as the target fish species, water conditions, and personal preferences. Experimentation may be necessary to find the most effective bait for a particular fishing location. It can also be helpful to consult local fishing reports and gather insights from experienced walleye anglers in the area. Freshwater fishing enthusiasts often find success using natural baits like leeches or minnows to target smaller fish species like perch or crappie. Additionally, incorporating artificial lures like crankbaits or spinnerbaits can help anglers cover more water and locate actively feeding walleye.

In some cases, downsizing your bait presentation with smaller lures or smaller fish profiles can increase your chances of enticing strikes, especially in heavily pressured waters. Utilizing techniques like trolling with crankbaits or rigging with octopus hooks can effectively target walleye in various depths and structures. When seeking the best walleye lures, consider factors such as lure color, size, and action to match the prevailing conditions and the preferences of the target fish. Ultimately, adapting your approach based on changing water conditions and the behavior of walleye can lead to more consistent success on the water.

Additional Resources:

1. most effective bait for a particular fishing location –

2. different aspects of live bait  –

3. First and foremost, identify your target fish species –

4. Fishing gear – advantages of artificial lures –,give%20the%20lure%20its%20action.

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